The First Shearing

 My first attempt at shearing a sheep, ok so it was more like removing fleece not actually shearing it as though it had some purpose when I was done.  My first goal was not to nick the sheep as I don't like that.  I nicked the sheep, insert sad face emoji here.  I didn't want to make second cuts where avoidable, there was nothing but second cuts in the fleece, this is where you cut the fleece and then sweep again and get the fleece you missed.  I missed it all pretty much.

My first try but not my last.  My shears are really nice and brand new and they survived.  The sheep survived however she was panting and stressed.  I survived however I was panting and distressed.  My glasses kept trying to fall off, the electric cord kept wrapping around her leg, and I didn't really have a great ability to maneuver her.  In the end she had less fleece on her than we started so I guess it was a mild success.

I am a spinner and bought the Finnish Landrace due to its fiber.  Unfortunately I won't be spinning any of this fiber, but I still have one more to shear.  I will sign up for the next shearing course I find.  I just want to be efficient and safe and have fleece to spin when I am done.  Not a tall order, but a long way from where I started today.

I am happy that Veronica forgave me quickly and went on to begin eating when she was done, so she is still my sweet faced girl with the bad hair day.  We took a little video but my heart won't let me watch it because I felt so bad doing it so I won't be adding the video here either.


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